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About the Author

Maria Hathcock

I Am a Daughter of God

February 27, 2021


I was having a difficult time trying to decide what to write about myself.  It was actually the only thing holding me back from publishing this blog sooner.  As I prayed to my Heavenly Father this morning about how I should go about this, the term "identity politics" came into my mind.  Identity politics?  What does that have to do with what I write about myself?  Then it came to me.  In this world that we live in today, everything is politicized, even our identity. And as prophesied, good is now evil and evil is now good. That is our reality.  So in that light, I believe that God wants me to identify who I am, what I believe, and what I stand for, without apology.

God is in My Story


First and foremost, I identify myself as a daughter of God.  I have always been His daughter, but it wasn't until 21 years ago that I recognized that in myself, what that means, and the responsibility that comes with understanding that identity.  Since October 1999, I have been a faithful member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, so yes, I identify myself as a Christian and a disciple of Jesus Christ.  I defend His Church. I defend His Doctrine.  I know that it is true.  Do I always live up to the high standards that He has set for His disciples?  No, not always.  But I try every day to become more like my Savior, Jesus Christ, and to follow His example.  Thank goodness for His doctrine of repentance and forgiveness.  


I believe that the Book of Mormon is scripture, another testimony of Jesus Christ, and a second witness of the Bible.  I read it every day.  I have received answers to prayers from reading scripture - answers that have changed my life.  I also believe that the Heavens are still open, and that as children of a loving God, we are entitled to personal revelation.  I have asked in faith and with sincere desire, and He answers.  The caveat is that He answers in His time and not in my time. I have learned to trust His timing.


There is much more that I can say about my identity and my beliefs, but I'm sure that God will fill in the gaps as He helps me write this blog.


With all that I have witnessed and all that I have experienced, I know that God is in my story.  He is in your story.  Let us look for Him together.   

I believe in eternal families.  Like Nephi in the Book of Mormon, I was born of goodly parents.  My father, David, and my mother, Barbara, provided a wonderful upbringing for me, my sister, Diane, and my brother, David.  Interestingly, we are all members of different faith communities, but at our core, we all believe in the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  I know that one day, I will be sealed for eternity to my family in the temple of the Lord.  


In January, 2000 I married my sweetheart, Mark Hathcock.  A year later he became my eternal companion, so we're happily stuck with each other for a very long time.  It was a package deal.  Not only did I get a husband, but his three children, Mark, Mandy and Mike, have joined us as an eternal family.  Though Mandy is no longer with us physically, she is forever in our hearts until we can see her again. Mark and Mike have added to our family with families of their own. We are now blessed with 8 grandchildren. I can't forget my fur babies. Bonnie and Chase may have four legs, but they're part of the family.


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