It is my goal to see God every day. Some days are a little harder than others, especially when I'm having a difficult day. But other days there is no denying that I saw Him. Today is one of THOSE days.
This past Saturday I posted a beautiful and tender story on this blog about Rex and Catherine Farnsworth and how the love of a mother can extend beyond the veil. It was a true privilege for me to sit down with Rex and talk to him about this experience. It is a privilege for me when I talk to and record anyone's "God Story." I feel like I am on sacred ground. I asked Rex a lot of questions and recorded even the little details because as we have all experienced, God is in the details of our lives. I truly believe that. I then went home and wrote Rex's "God Story."
After reading it to Rex to make sure I represented his story accurately, I posted it to my blog and then shared it on my newly created Facebook page and also on the Worldwide Unified group page. I never have any expectations about how many views these stories will receive when I post them. I just write the best story I can and then share it with others. Whenever I finish writing a story, I read it over and over in amazement and always come to the conclusion that these words did not come from me, instead, they truly came from God. I am just the conduit.
I had no idea how much this story would resonate with others when I posted it. I'm sure Rex didn't see this coming either. I saw God touch the hearts of so many people these last few days with this story. As of this morning, it has been viewed by almost 6,000 people and shared 127 times. I am humbled and awed by the response. I have been able to see others share their stories about similar experiences they've had. Many have thanked me for sharing this beautiful story. Truly, all the glory and praise goes to God. We are witnessing His light and love as He works in the lives of His children.
God is in my story, and He is in your story. We just need to pay attention and look for him in our story. Some of these manifestations are so obvious that they cannot be denied - like miraculous healings. Most times, His presence is very subtle. He is with us in our good times, but especially in our difficult trials. There are many times in my life that I did not recognize God's presence at the time, but only saw Him as I reflected back on that time with a 20/20 hindsight lense.
This has become my passion - to record and share God Stories. So far I have just tapped my friends and family for their stories and even a few strangers. It is my goal to expand my search as God directs me to more and more of His children in search of His stories that include His children of different faiths, cultures, races, countries, ethnicities, etc. I know that I have been called to do this. God knows the reasons, and He will continue to reveal them to me as I consecrate my time and talents to help build His Kingdom on the earth.
I will republish stories I have already written but that didn't get shared to social media. I will continue to collect and share new stories. There are a few stories that have come to me already written by the person who had their God experience. I will publish one of those later today. At times, I will even share my own stories. I am certain God gave me a new forum to spread His stories when I joined the Worldwide Unified group. Please look for His stories. I hope they bring about His desired results and will continue to show all His children that He is in our story. May you be a witness to His light and love in your own life is my humble prayer.