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Jesus Christ, the Light of the World

Darkness can be hazardous to our health – both our physical and spiritual health. It is a blessing to have light in our lives – a light that helps us to see things as they really are, a light that illuminates our understanding, a light we can follow with confidence and perfect trust.

Jesus Christ is many things to us – Creator, Deliverer, Exemplar, Good Shepherd, Jehovah, Judge, Lamb of God, Lord, Messiah, Redeemer, Comforter, Savior, and the list goes on. But my message in this blog post is about Jesus Christ, the Light of the World.

But first, I want to discuss darkness and the times I’ve struggled with it.

As a child, I was afraid of the dark. I had difficulty being in a room that was dark, always imagining the worst – the boogeyman in the closet, the monster under the bed or the bad man trying to get in. The only way I could get to sleep was if there was a nightlight on in the bedroom. As an adult, sometimes those same fears overwhelm me. My husband and I have a small cabin in the mountains of Mancos, CO. I love being there. It is beautiful, and one of the things I always marvel at is how blue the sky is during the day. But when the light of the day turns to darkness, sometimes those fears as a child come back to me. Many nights in the summer, we sleep in a camper that is near the cabin. At night, when I’m walking the 25-30 steps between the cabin and the camper, with the darkness surrounding me and not knowing what is out there, a primal fear sometimes overwhelms me. My heart races, I’m listening intently for things I cannot see, I’m anxious and fearful. Those feelings are only relieved when I get safely inside where there is light.

About 25 years ago, I was driving home by myself from Wyoming to New Mexico. By the time I got to Moab, Utah, it was dark. I was in between Moab and Monticello when it started to snow and before I knew it, I was in a blizzard and the snow was getting deeper. The night was pure black. I could not see where I was going and because of the deep snow, I could not see the lines on the road. I didn’t want to stop for fear of someone running into the back of me, so I just slowly moved forward. Along that road are also steep drop offs. Because I could not even see the edge of the road, I was fearful I would drive off it and down an embankment. It was a very frightening situation, and my hands were tightly wrapped around the steering wheel. I was trembling with fear and praying out loud for God to help me. Suddenly, there appeared in front of me, a semitrailer truck going slowly and steadily ahead of me. I could barely see his tail lights, but seeing them made me feel hopeful. I fixed my eyes on those lights, and I drove in his tracks and made it through the deepening snow. In an act of faith, I followed those lights and soon found myself in a place of safety. With so much relief and gratitude, I had made it to Monticello where I pulled off the highway and stayed the night in one of the motels.

Darkness can be hazardous to our health – both our physical and spiritual health. It is a blessing to have light in our lives – a light that helps us to see things as they really are, a light that illuminates our understanding, a light we can follow with confidence and perfect trust. That perfect Light is Jesus Christ.

Elder Dallin H. Oaks said in a 1987 conference talk entitled The Light and Life of the World that “Jesus Christ is the light of the world because he is the source of the light which proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space. His light is the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world. The scriptures call this universal light the light of truth, the light of Christ, and the spirit of Christ. This is the light that quickens our understanding. It is the light by which we may judge. It is given to every man, that he may know good from evil.”

Jesus Christ is also the light of the world because his example and his teachings illuminate the path we should follow. A loving Heavenly Father wants us to come back to our eternal home. He wants us to make it safely there, so He sent a guiding light for us to follow: a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, the perfect example. He knows the way. He lights our path in the dark of night, in storms, at crossroads, and in the daylight. He is always ready to show us the way back home. He tells us, “And I will also be your light;….I will prepare the way before you, if it be so that ye shall keep my commandments; ….ye shall know that it is by me that ye are led." (1 Ne. 17:13)

Jesus Christ is also the light of the world because his power persuades us to do good. The prophet Mormon taught that all things which are good cometh of God. Mormon’s words anticipate what the Lord later told Moroni while he was compiling the Book of Mormon that “he that believeth these things which I have spoken shall know that these things are true, for it persuadeth men to do good. And whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do good is of me; for good cometh of none save it be of me….I am the light, and the life, and the truth of the world.”

David O. McKay once said, “Christ is the light to humanity. In that light man sees his way clearly; when it is rejected, the soul of man stumbles in the darkness. No person, no group, no nation can achieve true success without following him who said: ‘I am the light of the world; he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of my life.” (John 8:12)

President McKay goes on to say, "it is a sad thing when individuals and nations extinguish that light – when Christ and his gospel are supplanted by the law of the jungle and the strength of the sword. The human family has suffered from unrestrained expressions and manifestations of selfishness, hatred, envy, greed – animal passions that have led to war, devastation, pestilence and death. If even the simplest principles of the Savior’s teachings had been observed, history would have been changed. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believes that in His life and teachings Jesus Christ reveals a standard of personal living and social relations that, if fully embodied in individual lives and in human institutions, would not only ameliorate the present ills of society, but would also bring happiness and peace to mankind. When Christians throughout the world have this faith in Christ coursing in their blood, when they feel a loyalty in their hearts to the resurrected Christ, mankind will have taken the first steps toward perpetual peace for which we are daily praying: Reject Him and the world will be filled with hatred, and drenched in blood by recurring wars."

President McKay ended with this: "the gospel of Jesus Christ is the crucible in which hate, envy, and greed are consumed, and good will, kindness, and love remain as inner inspirations by which man truly lives and builds. Let men and women everywhere keep their eyes upon Him who ever shines as a Light to all the world – for Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Life, the only safe Guide to that haven of peace for which people in the wide world over are earnestly praying.”

In a book I read by John Pontius entitled Following the Light of Christ into His Presence, he writes "every person in this world receives a birthday gift from his or her loving Father. He gives each child a precious gift of light. This light serves as a guide, a teacher, and a voice of truth. It is commonly called the conscience, and is felt by everyone. It is constant, unerring, and persistent. The truths communicated to you by your conscience come from Jesus Christ, are administered by the Holy Ghost, and are revelation. This is our Savior’s greatest gift to us, that He is the light of our conscience. It is of such great worth to us that without it none of Father’s children would find their way home, and thus the atonement would become a moot and meaningless accomplishment, for no one would be able to take advantage of it. Without the Light which permeates our souls, we would have no sense of right and wrong, no higher understanding, no sweetness of soul, no spiritual refinement, no prayer, no goodness, no progression, and no ability to choose between right and wrong."

Many years ago, through my husband’s efforts, I was introduced to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and to the missionaries. I have always wondered why I chose to accept the gospel and this Church when so many others reject it and mock it. It is because the Light of Christ spoke the truth to me; I heard and obeyed that still small voice. I received revelation and acted upon it even before I understood the concept of revelation. I am grateful every day that I listened to my conscience and obeyed because of so many other gifts of the Spirit that I have received. I am grateful that I have taken Jesus Christ as my guide. His light is a light that helps me to see things as they really are, a light that illuminates my understanding, a light I can follow with confidence and perfect trust.

Just as I followed the lights of a truck one stormy night to safety, I pray that you and I will always follow Jesus Christ, the Light and Life of the world. He will lead us safely back to our eternal home and to our Father’s presence.

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