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Who is God and Why is He So Important to Me?

Updated: Apr 1, 2021

There are things that only God can do for me....things that I can't do for myself.

Those who don't believe in God sometimes mock and question those of us who do. Why do we put our trust, faith and hope in a Being we can't even see? Where is the proof that God even exists? If you're looking for God under a microscope or through a scientific experiment that presents absolute and undeniable proof of His existence, you will not succeed. I used a different approach. I have received a knowledge that God is real, but for me it has happened through a deeply personal process of seeking Him through study, service, prayer and personal revelation. Once I gained that knowledge of Him through that process, I have seen the proof of His existence all around me. He is everywhere I look - in nature, in the universe, in the course of my daily life; even in the details of my life, in the people in my life, and in the answers to my prayers. Let me tell you about the God that I have come to know.

When I say "God is in my story" who or what am I actually speaking about? In essence, I am speaking of the

Godhead, meaning God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. They are three separate and distinct divine beings with distinct roles, but they are one in purpose and doctrine. They are perfectly united in bringing to pass Heavenly Father's divine plan of salvation. They are perfectly united in Their love for us and in the work They are doing on our behalf.

God the Father

God the Father created all things and is the supreme ruler of the universe. He is all powerful and all knowing. He is the Father of all mankind, the Father of our spirits, and we are made in His image. He gave us our lives and He provided this world for us. You would think that with that kind power and majesty that He would be so impersonal and distant. That is not the case at all. He is a kind and loving Father who knows each of His children by name. He knows us individually. I won't even pretend to know or understand how He can do that, I just know that He does. He wants to have a relationship with us. The only thing standing in the way of that relationship is us. If we choose not to have a relationship with Him, He will not intervene nor interfere in our lives. He will not force Himself upon us. But He is always waiting in the wings; ready and waiting to draw closer to us as we draw closer to Him. No matter who we are or what we've done, our Father in Heaven wants us to reach out to Him so that He can help us.

I have come to know my Heavenly Father on a personal level. But it took a while before I let go of my pride, humbled myself and reached out to Him. For many years I tried to walk this mortal journey without allowing Him to walk beside me. It didn't turn out so well. And now, just as I can go to my earthly parents for advice, I have been able to go to my Heavenly Father with my concerns, questions and gratitude. He listens to my prayers, and He has answered those prayers. I know that He knows my challenges and my triumphs, my strengths and my weaknesses, my hopes and my fears. He bestowed upon me my spiritual gifts and my talents so that I could fulfill the measure of my creation and develop my full potential. I have been able to do much more with my life with Him in it than I could have ever done by myself. And when I have messed up, He has also been incredibly patient and forgiving. How have I come to know Him so personally? By praying to Him and listening for His voice as it comes to me through the Holy Ghost; by reading, studying and pondering the scriptures; by going to church; and by serving others. I am so grateful for the relationship I have developed with my Heavenly Father.

God the Son

God the Father's greatest gift to us is His Son Jesus Christ. "For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). Jesus works under the direction of the Father and is in complete harmony with Him. All mankind are His brothers and sisters. He also knows us as individuals and He participates with Father as They both hear and answer our prayers. Jesus Christ was chosen and foreordained to be our Savior. I would now like to quote excerpts from a conference talk given by Elder Robert D. Hales in October 2008. "Whenever Heavenly Father wants to introduce His Son to us, He commands us to listen - "to hear" the words of Jesus. Who is this Jesus? He participated with His Father in the Creation of the world and to create all things on the face of the earth. He is the Only Begotten of the Father in the flesh. He is our Mediator with the Father. He is the Savior who laid down His life for us and pleads our case with the Father. Therefore, we pray to Heavenly Father in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ. He is not the same being as His Father, but He is like His Father. He too is a glorified being of power and authority. In preparation for the atoning sacrifice, Jesus prayed to His Father in the Garden of Gethsemane as He took upon Himself the sins, sorrows, and sufferings of all mankind. From before the foundation of the world to the final moments on the cross, the Savior had been about His Father's business. He had completed the work He had been sent to do. He is the literal Son of God, who rose from the dead on the third day, bringing the reality of resurrection to all who will come to the earth." Just because Jesus Christ completed His earthly mission doesn't mean that His work with us is done. He is always there for us. He is still about His Father's business and still working on our behalf.

I recognize now how the Savior plays a vital role in my daily life, but there was a time when He was of no importance to me. I never thought of Him. I was trying to live this life by my own strength and knowledge, and I was left to my own devices. I was trying to get through my trials, losses and disappointments by myself. The burdens of my sins weighed heavy on me. I never consciously thought that there was no God. I never was an atheist. I was just ignorant about how to tap into that help and that power that only Jesus Christ can provide. I had gotten to such a low point in my life that when God put the right people at the right time into my life who taught me the Gospel of Jesus Christ, a whole new way of thinking began to develop in my mind, and I fully embraced it. Why bear the burdens by myself when I don't have to? Why not lighten my load? The world throws a lot at us. Life can be hard. I realized that I didn't have to face the pains, losses, tragedies, burdens and disappointments by myself. I didn't have to be weighed down by my mistakes and my sins anymore. I didn't have to live my life by own limited strength and knowledge. There is a better way. Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ is The Way. He is the Way, the Truth and the Light. He is the Light and Life of the world. He is the Savior of the world. He is my Savior.

Jesus Christ is now important to me. I think of Him every day. I live my life tapping into His power and His strength through His grace. Through His Atonement, teachings and example, I have changed. He makes repentance possible, and I am no longer burdened by my sins and mistakes. Through applying His teachings in my life, I have found greater happiness and joy, hope and peace - a peace that surpasses all understanding. I can face my trials knowing that He will walk them with me, and that I will be changed and refined through the process. Every aspect of my life is better now that I have chosen to let Him be be part of it. I am grateful every day that someone (FYI: I ended up marrying that someone) was a good member missionary and shared the gospel with me - the good news of Jesus Christ. If you are someone who needs Jesus Christ in your life, let me pay it forward. Allow me to share this good news with you, and then watch your life change. It's not always easy, but it is worth it.

God the Holy Ghost

The Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead. He is a personage of spirit, and unlike the Father and the Son, does not have a body of flesh and bones. He is often referred to as the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of the Lord, or the Comforter. He works in perfect unity with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. One of His roles is to bear witness of the Father and the Son. One of the ways that Heavenly Father communicates with us is through the Holy Ghost. Through the Holy Ghost we can know that God loves us. He is the source of personal testimony and revelation. He can guide us in our decisions and protect us from physical and spiritual danger. At times, He is a voice of warning. He is also known as the Comforter, and He can calm our fears and fill us with hope. The Holy Ghost also testifies of truth, and it is through His power that we may know the truth of all things. As we hunger to know the words of eternal life and allow these words to sink deep into our hearts, the Holy Ghost will open our minds and hearts to greater light and knowledge.

I have come to know first-hand each of these important roles of the Holy Ghost. I have received personal revelation, comfort, guidance and further light and knowledge from Him. I have had many wonderful spiritual experiences because of His influence and direction. I have also been the beneficiary of His protection. I had an experience one day that made me very aware of that protection. It was His voice of warning that I believe saved me from personal harm. About ten years ago I was really into running, and at that time I was preparing to run a marathon. One day I was training at the track that is part of the sports complex for Aztec High School. I was there by myself for the first part of my training. I had run about five miles when two men showed up and started throwing a football to each other in the middle of the football field. Immediately, I was on alert. At first everything seemed fine - nothing ominous, nothing too worrisome. But then I noticed that as they were throwing the football, they started to move closer to the straight-away part of the track near the bleachers. As I came around the top of the track by the field goal, I noticed that one man had positioned himself on one side of the track and the other man on the other side of the track as they continued to throw the football to each other. If I had remained on course, I would have had to pass by them, one on each side of me. It was then that the Holy Ghost told me that "you need to leave now. Turn around and run toward the parking lot." I did not hesitate. As I did so, I was pulling the car keys out of my jacket, and I ran as fast as I could toward my car in the parking lot. I didn't look back. I got into my car and left. The Holy Ghost has done many things for me, but that day, I was reminded that He is my protector.

How do I Know Which Member of the Godhead is Part of My Story at Any Point in Time?

I know that when I am saying my prayers, I am addressing Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ. When I am repenting of my sins and seeking forgiveness, I am applying the Atonement of Jesus Christ in my life. When I received a warning that day when I was running, I believe that it was the Holy Ghost acting in His role of protector. But most of the time, I am just not sure. Am I hearing the voice of the Lord, or am I hearing the voice of the Lord through the Holy Ghost? And here is another piece of the puzzle. I believe that there are times when I have received help and protection from my ministering angels on the other side of the veil. That will be a topic for another blog. But does it really matter if we know exactly which member of the Godhead helps or guides or counsels us? No, I don't believe so. I really don't take the time to analyze it. I just know that it is God in my story because the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost are in such harmony with each other, they speak as one voice. I just leave it at that. I am just content in knowing that They love me and work together for my benefit. I love each one of Them for Their part in my story.

Just an FYI: My goal is to post a blog at least once a week. For now, I will publish a post by every Friday afternoon. I hope that you like what I am blogging about. I hope to hear from you in the comments section. I'm still trying to figure out how all of this works. This is my first blog. It is a work in progress.

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Mar 09, 2021

Loved this. I am ever so grateful God is in my life. I am grateful for my relationship with Him


Mar 06, 2021

Love your blog, I can hear this told in your voice. We had our own warning which led to a miracle here. Yes God is indeed in each of our stories. Kim Anderson


Diane Lutey
Diane Lutey
Mar 05, 2021


I agree. It does not matter which God is there to help us and guide us. As long as we are aware and learn to hear and listen. Like you did on the track. You knew not to question or hesitate. I enjoyed your blog, always compelling and learn from what you have to say.


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